HT Kids
My vision is to encourage your child to know Jesus, to trust our good and faithful Lord and show them how to love like Jesus loves us, all in a safe, warm and caring environment. We have prayer, games, worship, bible study, small group discussion, drama, memory verses, craft and lots of laughter.
Every child is valued and an important part of our HT Kids. This term we have been studying 'I Am' and the Advent of Christmas. All messages are presented in a variety of formats to cater to all the children’s individual needs. Children will bring home work books and various crafts. Each child has their own portfolio that is sent home at the end of the year.
At HT we have a wonderful large hall with amazing facilities for children. We have media display, lots of resources, air conditioning, toys, a fabulous covered under the sea theme soft fall area full of play equipment, a huge kitchen for our baking days and a tennis court for all those fast paced games.
All our leaders and helpers hold current Safe Ministry training certificates and the NSW Working With Children Check. We can’t wait for you to join us!
For more information please don’t hesitate to call 0405 094 732 and look for Alison Searle.
Every child is valued and an important part of our HT Kids. This term we have been studying 'I Am' and the Advent of Christmas. All messages are presented in a variety of formats to cater to all the children’s individual needs. Children will bring home work books and various crafts. Each child has their own portfolio that is sent home at the end of the year.
At HT we have a wonderful large hall with amazing facilities for children. We have media display, lots of resources, air conditioning, toys, a fabulous covered under the sea theme soft fall area full of play equipment, a huge kitchen for our baking days and a tennis court for all those fast paced games.
All our leaders and helpers hold current Safe Ministry training certificates and the NSW Working With Children Check. We can’t wait for you to join us!
For more information please don’t hesitate to call 0405 094 732 and look for Alison Searle.